Case Studies
Water Supply Assessment for a Distillery: Scotland
In 2022, a distillery in Scotland asked Flow-5 to complete an assessment of their existing water supply system and an appraisal of future water supply options for their operations. Flow-5’s assessment provided the client with a clear understanding of the performance and sustainability of their existing system and provided detailed information on the future options for water supply at the facility.
Borehole Water Supply Monitoring System for an Industrial Site: England
In 2023, Flow-5 were contracted by a large recycling company to install a monitoring system for a licenced borehole water supply at one of their opperations in the North of England. This involved the installation of multiple sensors transmitting data wirelessly to an online dashboard to allow the remote access of critical data in real time.
Groundwater Supply for an Industrial Site: England
In 2022, Flow-5 were contracted by a large recycling and reprocessing company to oversee the installation and licencing of a groundwater supply borehole at a new facility currently under development in the north of England. This work included the preparation of a detailed Hydrogeological Impact Appraisal for the proposed groundwater abstraction.
Groundwater Resource Assessment for a Refugee Camp: Malawi
Flow-5 have been working with an international NGO to develop a solar-powered groundwater supply system for a large Refugee Camp in Malawi. This case study summarises the initial phases of this work concluding with an assessment of the feasibility of future groundwater abstraction in this area, this work included geophysical surveys and aquifer testing.
Drilling Deep: Jordan
Solar Powered Water Supply Installation for a Refugee Camp: Malawi
Flow-5 have been working with an international NGO to develop a solar-powered groundwater supply system for a large Refugee Camp in Malawi. This case study summarises the installation of the final ‘Well Field’ of boreholes supplying water to the camp. This work included an exploration drilling programme leading into a detailed assessment of the feasibility of groundwater abstraction in this area before final design and installation of the groundwater supply system.
Real Time Monitoring System for a Distillery: Scotland
In 2023 Flow-5 installed a real-time monitoring system at a distillery in Scotland. This monitoring system provides a continuous feed of flow rate and water level data from springs and piezometers around the site area, which is stored, managed and viewed in real time on Flow-5’s cloud-based data management platform.
Real Time Monitoring System for a Groundwater Supply: England
In 2023 Flow-5 installed a real-time monitoring system for a groundwater supply (borehole pumping) system in the south of England. This monitoring system provides a continuous feed of water level, flow rate, power consumption and system security data from the pumping system which is stored, managed and viewed in real time on Flow-5’s cloud-based data management platform.
Malawi: Remote Monitoring System Installation
In June 2023 Flow-5 installed a real time monitoring system for the water supply system at Dzaleka Refugee Camp in Malawi. This allowed the continous real time tranmission of data for numerous parameters in order to swiftly detect and diagnose any functionality issues.